Project Details

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Business Category: Furniture – Interior Design

Main Service: UI Design, Complete Website Creation, Payment Gateways Integrations

Technology User: WordPress, WooCommerce

Timeframe: 2 months

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Pure Culture - A Showcase of My Web Design and Development Skills


I am thrilled to present Pure Culture as part of my web design and development portfolio. As the designer and developer of this website, I was responsible for creating an immersive user experience, implementing advanced functionalities, and optimizing the website for maximum performance.


Pure Culture - A Showcase of My Web Design and Development Skills

Design and User Experience:

The design of Pure Culture is a perfect blend of Nordic and ethnic design, with a focus on showcasing high-quality furniture and creating an engaging user experience. The website’s layout is intuitive and easy to navigate, and its responsive design ensures that it looks great on any device. The use of neutral colors, minimalistic typography, and stunning product photography creates a sophisticated and elegant look that is in line with the company’s design aesthetic.


The development of Pure Culture involved working with a wide range of technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and WordPress. I created custom functionalities such as a comprehensive search system, advanced filtering, and dynamic content loading, to provide users with a seamless and intuitive browsing experience. I also implemented various optimization techniques such as image compression, minification of CSS and JS, and caching to ensure that the website loads quickly and performs well.
codexier portfolio - pureculture


Thanks to the combination of excellent design and development, Pure Culture has seen a steady increase in traffic and engagement since its launch. Users are spending more time on the website, engaging with more content, and making purchases. The website’s search engine rankings have also improved, leading to more organic traffic and increased visibility.

codexier portfolio - pureculture


Overall, Pure Culture represents my skills and expertise in web design and development, and I am proud to include it in my portfolio. Its unique design aesthetic, advanced functionalities, and optimized performance make it a great example of the kind of work I can deliver. I look forward to working on more projects that can help clients achieve their digital goals, especially in the field of furniture design and manufacturing.