Project Details

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Business Category:
Non-Profit Organization USA

Main Service:
UI Design, Complete Website Creation

Technology User:
WordPress, PHP

3 Months

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Revamp of Latinos Lead Now Website


Latinos Lead Now is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering Latinx leaders and creating equitable opportunities for all Latinx communities. The website serves as a platform to inform and engage supporters, donors, and volunteers, and to showcase the organization’s mission and achievements.

codexier portfolio latinoleads

Design and User Experience:

To create a modern and user-friendly website, we used WordPress as the content management system and customized the theme to reflect the organization’s branding and style guide. We focused on a clean and minimalist design that is easy to navigate and provides a seamless user experience. We added engaging visual elements, such as high-quality images and videos, to attract and retain the attention of visitors


Our team of developers utilized PHP to enhance the functionality of the website, creating custom features such as donation forms and event registration pages. We also integrated a membership portal, allowing users to sign up and receive exclusive content and updates from the organization. We ensured that the website was responsive across all devices and optimized for search engines.

codexier portfolio - latinoleads


Since the launch of the revamped website, Latinos Lead Now has seen a significant increase in website traffic, engagement, and donations. The improved user experience has led to longer page visits and decreased bounce rates. The custom shipping calculator developed in PHP has streamlined the customer experience for the shipping company MyGermany.


The revamp of the Latinos Lead Now website has been a great success, delivering a modern and functional website that enhances the organization’s mission and message. Our team’s expertise in WordPress, PHP, and user experience design has resulted in a website that engages visitors and increases conversions.