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Business Category:
Genetic Seed Shop

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UI Design, Complete Website Creation

Technology User:

2 Weeks

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Designing and Developing a WordPress Website for IDGSeeds


IDGSeeds is a company that provides medicinal and recreational cannabis seeds to the public. The purpose of the website was to create an online presence for the company and provide a platform for customers to learn about their products and make purchases. In this portfolio, we will discuss the design and development process for the IDGSeeds website and the results it achieved.

Design and User Experience:

The design of the IDGSeeds website was centered around showcasing the company’s values of integrity, honesty, and best breeding practices. The color scheme was chosen to create a sense of calm and trust, with green and white being the dominant colors. The website’s navigation was designed to be user-friendly, with easy-to-access product categories and a search bar.The website’s layout and design were also optimized for mobile devices to ensure a seamless experience for customers browsing the site on their smartphones or tablets. The site’s content was organized into clear sections, with detailed descriptions and images of each product. This made it easy for customers to find the products they were looking for and make informed purchasing decisions.


The IDGSeeds website was built using WordPress, a powerful and versatile content management system. The site was developed with a focus on speed and security, using optimized code and secure protocols. The e-commerce functionality was implemented using WooCommerce, a popular e-commerce plugin for WordPress.The site’s backend was designed to be easily manageable, with intuitive user interfaces for managing products, orders, and customers. The site was also optimized for search engines, with clean and efficient code and a focus on relevant keywords and meta tags.


Since its launch, the IDGSeeds website has seen significant growth in traffic and sales. The site’s user-friendly design and optimized user experience have helped to attract and retain customers. The site’s search engine optimization efforts have also led to increased visibility and improved search engine rankings.


Designing and developing the IDGSeeds website was a challenging but rewarding experience. The focus on creating a user-friendly design and optimized user experience helped to attract and retain customers, while the use of WordPress and WooCommerce provided a secure and efficient platform for managing the site’s content and e-commerce functionality. Overall, the IDGSeeds website has been a great success, achieving the client’s goals of providing premier connoisseur quality and superior medicinal seeds to the public.