Project Details

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Business Category:
Custom Sports Shirts, Short and Jacket Manufacturer

Main Service:
UI Design, Complete Website Creation

Technology User:
WordPress, WooCommerce, Custom 3d Product Design

6 Months

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Broderie Les Math Website Development Portfolio


I am proud to present my work on the Broderie Les Math website, which I built using WordPress and WooCommerce. This project was a custom job, where I worked closely with the client to bring their unique vision to life. The website is designed for a sports apparel company that offers customized 3D model-based sports shirts, shorts, and jackets. The website features a user-friendly interface that allows customers to easily design and customize their sports apparel.

codexier portfolio - bodielesmath

Design and User Experience:

The website is designed to provide a seamless and intuitive user experience. The design is simple, yet elegant, with a modern and clean look. The homepage features a prominent slider that showcases the latest products and promotions. The navigation menu is easy to use, with dropdown menus that provide easy access to different product categories. The product pages are designed with a 3D model that allows customers to see what their custom apparel will look like from all angles. Customers can choose from a range of colors, styles, and designs to create their perfect sports apparel. 


The website was built using WordPress and WooCommerce, with custom code added to enable the 3D model-based product customization. The custom code was developed using three.js, which is a JavaScript library for creating 3D graphics. The website is optimized for fast loading speeds and features a responsive design that works on all devices. 
codexier portfolio - brodielesmath


Since the launch of the website, Broderie Les Math has seen an increase in website traffic and sales. The custom 3D model-based product customization feature has been a hit with customers, who enjoy being able to design their own sports apparel. The website has received positive feedback from customers for its ease of use, fast loading times, and sleek design.


Building the Broderie Les Math website was a challenging and rewarding project. The custom 3D model-based product customization feature was a unique challenge that required custom development, but the end result was worth it. The website is now a key part of the company’s online presence and has helped to boost their sales and reputation. I am proud to have been a part of this project and am confident that the website will continue to provide value to Broderie Les Math for years to come.